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Zapotosky disagrees on kids naming jail road
Fayette County Commissioner Vince Zapotosky apparently disagrees with the county
jail ad hoc committee and his fellow commish Al Ambrosini, at least when it comes to
getting school students to naming the new road to the jail.

Overnight, Zapotosky sent an email here stating so.

Given that school is out of session and that he is unsure how schools would react to
students naming the road to the new jail, he said he "would not be inclined to support"
the move.

"I did not support (the) proposal. I do hope you will make correction. Thank you and
God Bless," he wrote today.   (25 Jul 14)  
RAVES to Jim Killinger for advocating for transplant patients caught up in the middle of
the health insurance battle between Highmark and UPMC. The sometimes RANTED
county jail ad hoc committee architectural group leader, who had a heart transplant 7
years ago at UPMC, interviewed in
today's Trib. RAVES to him for helping to put a face
and voice to the frustrating position that some UPMC transplant patients may experience,
if required to go elsewhere for their post transplant monitoring. He may be misguided
about the genuine need for an all-new $60 million dollar jail, but on the subject of care for
post-transplant patients, he is sincerely RAVED. (24 Jul 14)
The pathetic truth about Audacious Al's
$1M airport grant application
In this past week following his grand announcement at the last airport authority board
meeting -- you know, when he implied that he, a county grant writer and the second
Dem commissioner had secured a $1 million dollar grant for the airport -- the Right to
Know answer about that particular grant application provides the full story.

Anyone following the several-year-old airport grant story knows that the authority
scrapped plans this year to use a previously obtained $1 grant to demolish old
hangers and build new ones. Early in 2014, the airport manager also requested in
writing to the commissioners that the county's $30,000 monetary contribution for that
project be used instead to pay a fuel bill.

Anyone who knows the story knows that the $1 million for the project was already
long ago.

Today's RTK answer consists not of a 2014 grant application, as Ambrosini wanted
people to believe.

The RTK answer to obtain the grant application for the $1 million that the commish
boasted about securing at the recent airport meeting provided no real surprise to
anyone who follows county politics.

Today's RTK answer consists of an
old application and paperwork which the county
grant writers never touched. Ambrosini's signature on it is dated 8/20/2012.

It is
not something new. This is old money. The grant of $1 million, is the work of Mary
Lou Fast, the former airport manager who was furloughed in January of 2013. The
RTK grant answer document bears her name.

More importantly, no current county grant writer was used at all for this grant. During
her time at the airport, Fast worked with PA State Senator Rich Kasunic to
successfully obtain the $1 million state grant through the Redevelopment Assistance
Capital Project.  

Fast's application in 2012 to secure funding leaves $1 million left for the airport hanger
project through 2015.

In other words, readers, Audacious Al seems to have lied yet once again.  (23 Jul 14)
Who's guarding the pyrite?

The usually locked orange metal gate to the $1.25 million land selected for a new county jail, as
pictured above open, at 6:30 PM on 7/22/14, prompting someone to ask. Thus, his is the "Quote of
the Day."
Audacious Al lies again?
While Fayette County Commission Chairman Al Ambrosini maintained at past county
meetings that he was not in possession of the Geo-Mechanics, Inc. land survey
report, he apparently really was.

Four days ago, the county engineer sent copies of the report to the other two
commissioners. The engineer maintained to citizens, who contacted him for copies,
that the commish chair had it.

Apparently, the engineer was correct.

Nonetheless, once again, Ambrosini lied. Why? (22 Jul 14)

New jail site: 8 miners still entombed?

Historical records and old mining records documenting a tragic disaster at the Hill
Farm Mine and Coal Works, in which 31 coal miners died in 1890, are vague as to
whether all bodies actually were later recovered.   

Sources noted that 2 bodies of dead miners were recovered the day of the fire and
that 23 others, two years later after the fire was extinguished, were recovered and
buried properly.

However, those records would seem to indicate that bodies or remains of 8 others,
who perished when fire swept through the mine, were not recovered.

Call me overly superstitious by full Italian heritage, but, surely to God, there had to be
better land out there, without the Karmic baggage and pyrites, on which a two-story,
heavy weight jail should be built. (22 Jul 14)
New jail site: pyrites galore

As per the two-month-old geo-technical land survey performerd by Geo-Mechanics,
Inc., the land on which the new jail is to be built contains an average of 4 times the
amount of pyrites considered to be safe for building without prior costly land
improvement measures being needed.

"Test results indicated that the soils tested exhibited pyrite sulfur contents varying
from 0.02 to 2.09 percent with 0.41 average value.

"A value of 0.10 percent or higher for pyrite sulfur indicate the material to be
expansive and warrants consideration for treatment. "

Twenty representative soil samples were retrieved from the test borings located in the
building and parking lot areas, as per the study. Seventeen of those 20 samples that
were tested for pyrite sulfur exhibited contents higher than 0.10 percent.

While this second survey done on this land does not mention the word "caissons" as
did the initial preliminary study done on it in 2013, this latest geo-technical land survey
labels them to be deep foundation "drilled concrete shafts bearing in bedrock."

An alternate plan without caissons would require that "some form of ground
improvement/modification will be needed if shallow foundation is to be utilized for the
building and floor slab support, as well as the parking lot and roadway subgrade."

Otherwise, the new study concluded that it "is apparent that the fill in its present
condition is unsuitable to support the proposed building and provides poor subgrade
for the parking lots and roadway.

"The available bearing capacity to design shallow foundation is relatively low and,
more importantly, the potential for differential settlement of footings and pavement is
too high. In addition, there is a considerable risk of heaving of footings and especially
floor slabs and utility lines if the present fill is used as subgrade."

This latest study proposes using a Deep Dynamic Compaction (DDC) process of
dropping weights of 15 to 30 tons from 40 feet onto the land after the site is
excavated to a suitable depth.

The study notes that the cost of ground modification using DDC will be in the range of
$4 per square foot.  This rate does not include the cost of undercutting and backfilling.

How can all of this be cheaper than building out back of the courthouse? (21 May 14)

"Quote Of The Day"
"Wonder which of our officials now has a PFA against him or her."
Pete, this morning at the diner, reading about the county's new decision to limit the
disclosure of protection from abuse orders only to law enforcement, domestic-
violence service agencies and attorneys.

"Might not be an official... could be one of his or her many family members or friends."
Dave, in response

Ambrosini Alley coming our way?

RAVES of chuckles hearing legit reports that the county jail ad hoc committee today is
sponsoring a contest for high school kids to formally name the street on which the
proposed new county jail and memorial to the Dem commissioners will be built.

Initially, this news was mistaken as a joke, recalling that Neuman, in his/her satirical
series, "The Adventures of Alfred and Vincent," had readers submit potential names
for the then proposed womens' temporary jail annex on Iowa Street.

Yoi! Does anyone else even remotely think that there could be something, such as, an
Ambrosini Alley, in Fay's future?
Editor's Note: While it's true that I've previously written here that there should
be a bronze plaque at the new jail stating, "You're looking at the reason why Al
Ambrosini was a one-term commissioner,"  this site is
not sponsoring a fund
raiser for the such joked about bronze plaque.

Please do NOT send pledges or donations here for that purpose.  However, if
there really
is a legitimate fund raiser going on underground somewhere out
there for this very purpose, please feel free to put us down here for the level 2
pledge. (18 Jul 14)
Quote Of The Day"
"I see Gold Digger is back, amended the suit, now guns for two."
Pete, tonight at the diner, reading online about the county's latest legal troubles

"I see nobody wants to reconnect the flow of storm water back to Gist Run in Mt. Braddock.
What's the big deal? The shopping village isn't there anymore downstream to protect from
flooding. They need to reconnect Gist Run instead of letting the water fill the Mt. Braddock coal
mine and overflow onto Laskey and Gallo's properties."
Dave, reading online, too
Who changed Gist Run's water quality designation?

RANTS because the media is so pathetically failing its obligation to this county. This
can't be the only door where sources knock to share information. For instance, why
aren't we reading in other places about the water quality designation of Gist Run
being mysteriously changed, from the water quality designation of "high value
wetlands," to a lower rating to ease the permitting process?

Why aren't we reading elsewhere that the classification of Gist Run was "somehow"
changed from cold water status to "warm trout hatchery quality," and that nobody at
the DEP or county conservation office can explain why or when it occurred?

What is known is that the DEP initially wanted to review the post construction storm
water plan of the new jail. These days, however, the DEP sees no need. Why not?
Because the proposed jail site is "downstream" of the Mt. Braddock Industrial Park.

Try telling that to
Steve and Natalie Laskey, who operate their business there after
being flooded out about a dozen times. Lets see if their minds are put at ease
because the change in the Gist Run water quality status allows the county to more
easily obtain a simple, general permit and the DEP to ignore post construction storm
water plan for the new jail. (17 Jul 14)  
Editor's Note: A Right To Know request is submitted today to obtain the latest geo-
technical land survey completed 2 months ago on the proposed new jail site to
compare with the
original 2013 study.  Another RTK was sent today, too, to obtain
that million dollar airport grant application. More later. (17 Jul 14)
Airport scraps plans to scrap hanger project
No sooner than the below bit about the $231 K was added, word was received that
the county commish chair announced a $1 Million dollar airport improvements windfall
from the redevelopment authority, and a match pledge from Joe Hardy. No kidding. It
so seems that the real re-election campaign process has started for at least one of
the three sitting county commissioners, no?

I mean, what else can cause an authority board to scrap its plans to scrap a
hanger project, ask that the county's cash gift for the scrapped hanger project
to be used for bills, then come back with this "oops, we changed our minds"
grand improvements project?   (16 Jul 14)
RAVES that the county airport will receive over $231 K in funds, as the governor
running for re-election today distributed about $19 million dollars for state-wide small
airport improvements. The $231,166 is ear marked to rehabilitate runway lighting and
conduct environmental wetland monitoring at the county airport. The wetlands issue
involves monitoring wetlands created by past runway improvements and changes in

For clarification, officials are asked if this lighting improvement project will focus on the
lighting for the runway that flies over the site of the proposed new jail -- you know, the
same runway that the county commish chair said 5 weeks ago would begin to be used
less? Could it be the same runway that the commish chair said would likely be used
on a limited basis to increase the flight transitional surface area for fly overs near the
jail project site. More to follow. (16 Jul 14)

County in a mad rush to expand assessment staff
RANTS that the Dem commission majority threw caution to the wind today and
ignored solicitor advice to delay hiring staff in the county property assessment office.
What's the rush? Perhaps there's far more than we think of under-taxed, upscale
homes listed on tax records as being only partially completed, but were fully
constructed and completed long ago? (15 Jul 14)
Planning Commission passes the buck, ignores
legalities of flawed new jail plan
The county planning commission granted conditional final approval today for
development planning for the proposed new county jail and memorial to the two Dem

In spite of the facts that the original ad for the zoning hearing stated that the county
intended to build a jail on 18 acres in Dunbar Township, while the deed for those two
parcels contains only 12.4 acres of land, the commission this evening saw nothing
wrong with that. The commission ignored legal opinion that granting the conditional
final approval, especially prior to resolving 2 current land zoning use appeals, puts the
county at great risk.  

RANTS because too little about the new jail planning was done correctly. If it weren't
a train wreck about to ram into and run over county citizens mercilessly with debt, the
whole "think tank" jail planning process would be truly hilarious. (10 Jul 14)
RAVES for public meetings, such as this evening's county Planning Commission
meeting. Oh, don't miss it. (10 Jul 14)
Airport Authority wimps out, holds onto RTK information
RANTS that the folks at the county airport authority have yet to disclose, under RTK,
a simple copy of the May 21 meeting agenda. Given that the agenda is already an
existing document that was available at that meeting, RANTS that the RTK answer is
delayed so childishly.

A Fairchance woman, who requested that document, along with meeting minutes or
copies of video or audio of her and the airport manager on the airport property
debating politics, made the RTK request for the agenda and other information.

The agenda included an item titled "Homeland Security Letter," that the airport
manager discussed at the meeting. While he did not mention the Fairchance woman's
name, a board member -- who voiced support for the manager in contacting
Homeland Security over the woman's unscheduled visit to the airport to take photos of
buildings near the entrance -- did state the woman's full name at the meeting.

RANTS that the matter made the agenda, and that by back paddling now, the
authority can't man up and release what it has. Come on, if the woman taking a
picture really had been a serious safety concern, why didn't the manager call the
police immediately? (9 Jul 14)
RANTS to losing good staff, especially when it involves having then to run an
ad, spend time on the phone setting up interviews, interview potential
employees, hire, train, etc... Yeah, that all
is a PIA.

RANTS, though, to being in a room with persons from out of county, when the
tv news promo features info about an 18-year-old Fayette boss, who,
reportedly, used a pipe to strike and break the hands of an employee after the
guy announced he was quitting.  That's rough! (7 July 14)  

A 'I really can't believe he said this' Quote of the Day
"If we're going to build a new jail, we have to make sure we have the protocols in
place that reduce these types of incidents."
Commissioner Vince Zapotosky, today's Trib, criticizing the way he learned that a
county jail inmate required surgery following a jail house brawl with another prisoner.

While the old jail might not have working cameras, it does have working phones,
computers and county email accounts, no? That piece of the commissioner's criticism
is understandable.

RANTS, though, that the commissioner is still in the negative mindset of thinking in
terms of "if we're going to build a new jail, things must improve. The rest of us know
that most of the problems have nothing to do with the age or condition of the jail or
number of prisoners in it.

We won't be shocked if the same problems pop up in the new place.  (28 Jun 14)

Citizens file first jail zoning hearing board appeal
Four area citizens filed with the Court of Common Pleas the first appeal of
recent county zoning hearing board decisions concerning the proposed jail site
in Dunbar Township.

Citizens Evelyn Hovanec, John Cofchin and Ralph and Gerry Mazza filed what
is expected to be the first of several different zoning appeals of the decision of
the county zoning hearing board to grant special variances and exceptions that
the county requested in the jail project.

County officials will be served their notifications of the appeal tomorrow. (23
Jun 14)
County to move mountain closer to airport?

Some readers were quick to ask why the proximity of the mountains to the
airport is a sudden concern. The county commish chairman cited the proximity
of the airport to the mountain as a reason why he says a runway may be closed
or used on a limited basis.

Changing the status of the runway from an active to a limited classification
would put to rest the FAA concerns of the site of the proposed new jail being
too close to an airport runway.

Airport Authority Board Member Myrna Giannopoulos previously voiced
concern that the proposed jail site was under an airport runway that she
worried the FAA could close.

She previously said that a prison located under the runway's flight path "could
cause repercussions that could be devastating." (23 Jun 14)

How did Al know?
RANTS that there was no thing ever said previously at public meetings about
the airport voluntarily closing or limiting the usage of a runway.

RANTS that there is nothing about his being a tenant or pilot that would have
given him such privy information.

RANTS that the commish chairman told the Herald Standard that because of  
proximity to the mountain range, condition and lack of use, the airport
authority will likely take measures to limit the use of the secondary runway,
that will in turn reduce the BOA transitional surface area.

Now how would he know that, given that the airport authority never publicly
discussed limiting the usage of any secondary runway? (22 Jun 14)
Chief County Clerk wrote news story about adoption of 2006 Airport Overlay
As a former Fayette courthouse beat news writer, the chief county clerk wrote
a lengthy story for the local paper about the adopted county zoning ordinance
with airport overlay.

As per the story that Chief Clerk Amy Revak wrote on October 25, 2006, the
then current zoning director "explained that the ordinance has an airport
hazard overlay, which includes a "circle" to show the radius around the airport
that cannot be infringed upon."

RANTS that there's still so much foolish controversy, when there's so much
solid proof and documentation that the ordinance with airport overlay was
adopted. (18 Jun 14)
Agenda wrong again
RANTS that there were issues, problems and mistakes with the county meeting
agenda for the second consecutive monthly meeting now. Some agendas
passed out were incorrect or incomplete, while some agendas were printed
correctly. RANTS that it happened once, but now twice in a row? Yoi! (18 Jun

Dems display more gentlemanly behavior
RAVES to the Dem commissioners for displaying better behavior and experiencing
less than their usual dazed and confused moments at today's county meeting.

RAVES that 80 year olds in attendance were not hauled off to the overcrowded, stifling
hot county jail for speaking more than 3 minutes or for relaying opinions or comments
that someone insecure with a gavel perceives to be personal attacks.  (17 Jun 14)

RANTS that the controversy continues in the paper as to whether the Zoning
Ordinance with 2006 Airport Overlay was adopted. RANTS that those claiming the
ordinance was not adopted have no explanation why news media reported in 2006 that
it was adopted, no explanation why the county zoning web page displays links to the
ordinance in history and no explanation why there are 2006 county commissioner
meeting minutes which state the airport overlay was adopted with the zoning
ordinance. RANTS that those saying it was not adopted have no desire to click online
so easily and learn the truth. (16 May 14)

"Quote Of The Day"
"So the judge dismissed the Doe Gold Digger suit. Interesting!"
Pete, this evening, at the diner  

"Interesting, too, that the judge noted that one commissioner wasn't sued even
though he forwarded and emailed the Doe emails to him to others (state
representatives, assistants to state representatives, a county judge, a county
private practice attorney, the children and youth county agency director,
county commissioner assistants, etc). "
Dave, laughing

Enterprise will pick you up!
RANTS if it's all true, that a public official is using an official government
vehicle for personal use and that someone, so hell bent on photographing an
elected official going his merry way, with a young child in tow, opts to mail a
snail package to a blog, with not one solid lead of proof of anything.

The public official and his young family member were running personal
errands, while driving a government car with municipal plates.

That kind of incoming complaint is pretty common here, when people vent
about wasted tax payers funds. Day care workers sometimes have a pretty
good grip on the number of public servants who violate agency/government
policy/employee handbook no nos by transporting personal guests in a county
or state vehicle, picking up their kids, grandchildren/relatives/neighbors, in
public funded/owned/leased vehicles.  

Can a city or county afford to risk letting someone use a public-funded vehicle
for his or her personal medical appointments while transporting family

Even if someone is the most cautious, responsible official, why should
taxpayers be liable if he or she has a government car signed out for his or her
personal errands and personal transportation and hurts someone, while driving
that public-funded car for a personal errand?

It's pretty stupid of a public official not to rent a car if his is in the garage.

It's stupid to opt instead to take a government car home from work and use it
for personal appointments and personal transportation.

In spite of there being no blanket rule in the commonwealth to limit or remove
driving privileges of those receiving methadone treatment, it's just plain nuts to
have a public official driving a government or public owned vehicle for his
treatment.  (12 Jul 14)

"Quote Of The Day"
“If there is a legitimate reason to move it, I'll be in favor of
moving it... But if there is no legitimate reason to do that, we're
not going to do it.”
Commissioner Al Ambrosini, in today's Trib, regarding the possibility that aviation
requirements could require moving, by 250 feet or so, the proposed site of the new jail
and memorial shrine to the 2 Democrat commissioners.

RANTS that the county commish chair also reported that another month would be
needed to revise formal paperwork for permits and for engineering reports. RANTS
that a lack of due diligence in the dazed and confused past now costs another month

We do so hope that Ambrosini reveals his FAA contact, with whom he had
"preliminary" contact in the past, to discuss and essentially dismiss that any FAA
consultation or planning approval was needed. One aviation source has been quoted
as saying once upon a time someone casually mentioned that the county wanted to
build a new jail near Bethel Borough Road in North Union Township.

In other words, the proposed jail site in Dunbar Township was discussed in no way, no
how and in no terms with any FAA folks. The proposed Dunbar Township site was
narrowed and announced on February 26, 2014, in a special meeting.   (11 Jun 14)
Editor's Note:

Zimmerlink again maintains 2006 airport overlay zoning ordinance was adopted
Neither a RANT nor a RAVE, but another mention, in today's local letters to the editor,
that the minority commissioner again has confirmed that the 2006 Zoning Ordinance
with Airport Overlay was adopted. Period.

No ands, ifs or buts about it. It was adopted.

The overlay piece requires FAA approval for any development within a distance of
20,000 feet from the airport. Jail support leaders just in recent weeks contacted the
state aviation about the county's plan to build a jail and memorial shrine to the two
Democrat commissioners.

County zoning employees are content, however, believing that the ordinance and
overlay piece were not ever formally adopted in 2006. One of the county zoning staff
some weeks back said the ordinance with airport overlay had initial support that
weakened over time.

As I asked commission chairman Al Ambrosini a few weeks ago, at the county airport
authority board meeting, why would formal county developed and maintained records,
via official County website hyperlinks to 2006 zoning ordinances and official county
commissioner meeting minutes, indicate that the ordinance and overlay piece,
definitely, were adopted?

Ambrosini said in the airport lobby a few weeks ago that he had no idea why formal
county records from 2006 document that the zoning ordinance and airport overlay
were adopted.
Due Diligence: Um, shamefully, there is none
RAVES because regular news continues to provide that extra chuckle
sometimes. It was one of those straight news articles that you just keep going
back to read again. The jail engineer got an email from the FAA that said the
projected jail site might need to be moved some 250 feet.

Before the engineer wrote to state aviation officials in recent weeks, county
officials said that the FAA had previously been informed of the plan to build a
new county jail in Dunbar Township.

When it was all said and done, however, it didn't appear much actual
discussion, if any, that Fayette as a county had.  

RANTS, too, that we've heard nothing more, as well, about grant assurances
that the airport has received, in relationship to building a new county jail so
close by.  None of these issues likely would stop or could stop a jail, is very
much a given.

All these little surprises, however, are just painful little reminders of how weakly
the majority commissioners did in their effort to conduct their due diligence.  (5
Jun 14)
RANTS because there appears to be confusion and shouldn't be.

The state rep of the 51st legislative district recently went on record of
supporting the integrity of the county jail chaplain, joining a growing list of
lifelong or long-time friends or supporters of the chaplain.

RANTS, though, because the man's past history was not an issue. Not the way
the testimonials go on about, at least.

At issue, was concern from a citizen that an incarcerated inmate's religious
preference was ignored, when he was not allowed a visit in jail from his
religious group leader or minister.

Is this really more of a warden issue than a chaplain issue, though? Was not
the warden directed last year by the prison board/commissioners to allow the
prisoner's minister visit the prisoner?

So why didn't that ever happen then?

Now, too, why then does the DA tell the local paper that the religion isn't widely
enough recognized to qualify to be considered to be government acknowledged
or recognized?

A few weeks ago, completely unrelated email was sent to the chaplain, asking
for confirmation whether the transitional housing program, Genesis House,
targeting males released from jail, is open.   (4 Jun 14)
RAVES to -- so far -- a great start of the vegetable and flower growing season.
Each season I whine that I'm not going to grow as many plants, then end up
planting more.

RANTS, as though a garden would actually have been a garden without
cucumbers and a few other things, that clearly were impulse purchases, not
planned. Things that last year that the fast, impulsive and too cute chipmunks

Not this season.

Bring it, chipmunks.

Bring it. (31 May 14)

RAVES to the quick service at the quick notaries and offices, where an auto
registration renewal can be completed in under 5 minutes.  RAVES because
procrastinators among us always end up needing the quick service. (31 May 14)
The plane landed where???
Plane landed on a taxiway!

Earlier today, a few reports of a small plane landing on a Connellsville Airport
taxiway -- i.e., as opposed to the customary RUNway -- came in... from people
who do not drink, those who are oriented to time, person and day.  

Cut to the chase, sources are credible. Not just credible, but then some.

Lets hope the problem is already resolved. Really. (30 May 14)
Neighbors of the new jail
Laskey, Mt Braddock business owner, flooded again,
earlier in May

RAVES that so many people, when it rains heavily as it did yesterday, think
about Steve and Natalie Laskey at their restaurant appliance shop in Mt.
Braddock Industrial Park.

While their business experienced no indoor flooding yesterday, they relayed
today that 4 inches of water backed up in their shop in the last week or so. The
9th or 10th flooding they've had.

Previous industrial park development shut down one stream and moved a
second water flow path without DEP pemits. The pond on the one side of
Laskey's neighbor's land was not there or mentioned in 70 and 80 year old
engineering type drawings of the area.

The pond on the far-left side of Laskey's business in the neighboring tract of  
land, is thought to be the overflow of a water-filled old coal mine beneath it.  
That thought really has to be grasped before a solution or two are implemented.

Those who think that the Laskeys need to fix their own flooding problems,
please recall that Laskey received nasty notice from the DEP, when they
attempted to build a low retainer-type wall or partition to the left of his property
front.  When the land was sold from the redevelopment authority, the land was
sold as pod-ready industrial park space,  sold as good, solid land.

Now the Laskeys have wet lands property they didn't count on owning. They
didn't buy wetlands.

Man-made wetlands created by man-made mistakes, directing all water flow
towards one property, as though the old flow of water to Gist Run is still
connected and working.

It's not.

Run off water from properties on Mt. Braddock Road flow into the pond over
the coal mine, or directly into the old coal mine in drier times.

Another area business owner said this:

"When they dug for construction, they pulled out tires, bottles,"  a land owner said of  
the land they bought, nearby where Laskey bought years later.

That land owner, like Laskey, experienced sewage back ups, prior to the lines getting
special shut off valves installed.

Problems such as outdoor property water lines snapping and bursting up in water
fountain form, through the ground, were also experienced.

This was thought to have resulted from the pipes moving around in the unsolid,
slushy, muddy ground, located in an 8-inch water table tract.

The floodings, the sewage back ups and the shallow rupturing water pipes in the yard,
these were important, unforgettable and memorable events for those business

Yesterday, no flooding, but in recent days, yes, four inches of rain filled the Laskey

Unless we lost track, this recent flooding is the Laskeys ninth or tenth flood inside
their business.

Tomorrow, heavy rain is once again in the weather forecast. (28 May 14)
Memorial Day Parade

Sitting there in lawn chairs from home, on a pleasantly shady downtown parade
street,  this beautiful Memorial Day was pleasantly spent having not one single, real
political thought.

The day was about school groups, community military type groups, fire fighters, a
fairly large, spirited bagpipe brigade, of both kilted men and women, with such spunk.
The day was relaxing and fun.  

Then look  who rode by.

In the third car of county officials was Commissioner Angela Zimmerlink.

But today was really not about any of them, but about people we all knew, who died as
soldiers, about the marching band, the JROTC group who walked the parade route,  
then stood in their groups, very still for the lengthy tribute program.

Most of Memorial Day was like that.

Summing it up, one JROTC member said the holiday parade, tribute program and
community gathering were all about "placing a wreath at the military memorial area at
the start of Pittsburgh Street. "

...but day turns back to politics.
Later today, however, the local paper ran a piece on how financially stable and better
run the airport is. Some Airport Authority board members pointed out at last week's
meeting that there is $42,000 worth of fuel in the ground, ready to be sold for flight.  

It's a very good point. RANTS that nobody previously really focused much on that fact.

Given the rosey thought that  there is $42,000 of fuel in the ground, why did the airport
manager write in February to the commissioners, asking that he county's past
contribution towards unused airport project funds, of about $30,000, be transferred to
another account?

In the manager's written words months ago to the commissioners, the transferred
funds would be used to pay a fuel bill.

When the letter and transfer request was mentioned two months ago at an Airport
Authority meeting, members said there was no alternative specific plan targeted for
the unused runway project money.   

Shouldn't there have been? (26 May 14)

Neither a RANT nor a RAVE, but some ideas on
"How to shorten county meetings,
even without banishing Ambrosini."  It really is possible.  (24 May 14)

Editor's Note: At the request of readers, some who fly into and out of the local airport
or live nearby, here's another
larger look at those small airport photos shown below.
RAVES again to Bruce Springsteen for again returning to a tiny venue to blow the roof
off Soldiers&Sailors with the mighty Houserockers.  RAVES because it's so apparent
that it's just as big of a special kick for him to do it, as it is for the local band and all the
aging fans within.

RAVES because goose bumps these days aren't so easy to come by for positive
reasons. (24 May 14)
Airport solicitor: appointing spokesperson presents potential
First Amendment issues

RANTS that the airport solicitor sat quietly and did not interject or attempt to intervene
to stop the airport board from discussing and voting this week to designate a
spokesperson to talk to media. RANTS that it took a great deal of finger pointing and
an executive session, obviously, after it was all said and done, to have the board
return and table the matter.

Today, the solicitor, William Martin, said in a written statement that "the aim of
appointing a spokesperson is not to 'chill' the speech of any Authority member or the

Does anyone really believe that?

He today did his best to try to clarify that "an Authority member is free to respond to
any questioning regarding an airport issue, just as the press is free to inquire from any
Authority member as to such an issue.  The appointment of a spokesperson should
not be a means to curtail either of those instances of speech.  

"To avoid any confusion by the public, though, it may be prudent for an Authority
member, if speaking to the press, to indicate whether they are speaking individually
on an airport-related issue or if the Board has authorized that member to speak on its
behalf.  Again, by doing so, no speech is being limited."

Nonetheless, RANTS that the authority will still revisit possibly adopting the
spokesperson matter next month. It didn't work elsewhere, and it won't work there,
either. (23 May 14)
Audacious Al startles fellow Dem commissioner
RANTS that Commission Chairman Al Ambrosini pounded his gavel with such force
and pathetic anger at an 88-year-old man in attendance of today's meeting that the
loud smack of the gavel scared the second Democrat commissioner. The loud smack
of the chairman's gavel startled the second Dem commissioner enough for him to stop
by, say hello and mention how the smack of the gavel scared him as he left the room.

RANTS that Ambrosini thought it necessary to threaten to have security take the
octogenarian out if things didn't settle down after the recess that Ambrosini thought
necessary to call. RAVES, however, that some children learn to redirect their
aggression and sense when they themselves need to take a time out. Maybe that's  
what's happening when the chair called the recess. (22 May 14)
Ambrosini blatantly, boldly, stupidly lies to citizen

At today's county meeting, Commission Chairman Al Ambrosini lied to a citizen who
asked if the airport manager reported her to Homeland Security last month for taking
pictures of an old hander outside the airport terminal. Ambrosini told her no, that no
such discussion took place at last night's airport meeting.

While the airport manager yesterday did not name a specific person who he reported
to Homeland Security last month, Airport Authority Board Member Joe Maher did state
the woman's first and last name at the meeting yesterday loudly enough to be heard
across the table and room where the public was seated.

RANTS that Ambrosini would so boldly and blatantly lie to the woman and the public
today about it. Clearly, the subject was discussed last night, with the topic, "Letter to
Homeland Security," being included on
last night's meeting agenda. Why deny that it
happened? (22 May 14)
Zimmerlink informs the misinformed chairman
At today's commissioners' meeting, Commissioner Angela Zimmerlink confirmed for
this editor that county website information is correct and that the 2006 Zoning
Ordinance with the Airport Overlay piece, indeed, was adopted.

This, of course, is far from the awful lie that Commissioner Chairman Al Ambrosini
passed off as the God's honest truth last night to the airport authority board. RANTS
because the chairman owes airport board member Myrna Giannopoulos a huge
apology, as his presence and lies to that board last night shamefully helped stoke the
fire that tried to bully the sole female authority member, probably into quitting before
her term expires in 7 months.  (22 May 14)
Ambrosini misinforms airport authority

Al Ambrosini stood to speak at tonight's airport authority meeting as an airport
tenant, but incorrectly stated as a county official that the
2006 Zoning Airport
Overlay was not adopted.

When asked why the county commissioner meeting minutes reference that the
Zoning Ordinance passed unanimously with the Airport Overlay, Ambrosini told
this editor, "So you say!"

No, so says the
official county records.

The Airport Overlay piece of the adopted ordinance clearly states that all
development within 20,000 feet of the airport must have prior FAA approval. (21
May 14)
Gerke takes another swing at Zimmerlink

Airport Authority Board Member Tom Gerke again chastised Commissioner
Angela Zimmerlink for the authority's second consecutive monthly meeting for
a commentary piece she wrote months ago for the local paper.

Her commentary was in response to a
letter that the airport manager wrote 3
months ago to the county commissioners, asking to use unused project money
to pay county airport bills. Gerke and Joseph Maher said tonight that the
authority asked the airport manager to write the letter dated February 19.

Can we see a show of hands of those who think next month that Gerke will
bring it up again? (21 May 14)
Airport Authority 3-1 votes to gag Giannopoulos

Airport Authority members voted to have a designated spokesperson to speak
to media from now on. This action followed the tag team effort to chastise a
reporter in the room and, inevitably, Authority Board Member Myrna
Giannopoulos for speaking to the media about the proposed jail site being
underneath an airport runway.

"The FAA was more than notified," her fellow authority board member Joseph
Maher said of the proposed prison nearby the airport. The matter had not ever
been publicly discussed at an airport meeting, however, and the county
commissioner chairman and jail engineer recently were quoted in the
newspaper as saying that the engineer would present the plan to the FAA.

"We have no political ties" with the prison, Maher added, criticizing
Giannopoulos for discussing the Zoning Airport Overlay matter in the media.  

"We don't have a problem with this new prison," Maher said -- i.e., although the
board hadn't voted to name him as the spokesperson and nobody seemed to
mind him taking a stand.

Can we see a show of hands of how many believe that Giannopoulos will be
censured before it's all said and done?  
Commissioner, airport manager on runway
without flashing safety lights!

Six days after Airport Authority Board Member Myrna Giannopoulos reported here that
the proposed new jail site is directly under the flight path of Runway 32 and conflicts
with provisions of the adopted Zoning Airport Overlay, requiring FAA approval of all
new development within 20,000 feet of the airport, County Commission Chairman Al
Ambrosini and the airport manager are shown here, in this photograph taken
Wednesday, May 14, meeting at the end of that runway early evening, for about 15

Given that Ambrosini is a local airport safety guru, should he not have followed strict
FAA regulations by driving to the end of the runway in an airport vehicle equipped
with the FAA mandatory flashing light panel on the vehicle rooftop?

As the FAA website states, fatalities have happened because unauthorized vehicles
without lights were on runways.  Neither Ambrosini's truck, nor the manager's car
parked on the runway, has the required FAA flashing lights,
as shown in these photos,  
Ambrosini, the FAA and authority board members have been asked for comment. (21
May 14)

Airport authority board to meet this evening
RAVES of hope that this evening's airport authority meeting will shed more light
on the issue of whether the county has ever notified the FAA about the
proposed jail site, whether the adopted Zoning Airport Overlay is worth the
paper it is written on and whether the proposed jail is under the flight runway
zone. The authority board is scheduled to meet at 5:30 PM at the airport. (21
May 14)

RAVES to all of the election winners and the handful of people who voted in
yesterday's races. RAVES to those who chose not to engage in gutter politics,
as clean campaigning seemed to pay off for the winners, in almost all races but
the Democratic governor's party nomination. Congratulations to all who earned
the place on the ballot. Now, please, someone quickly and kindly please hose
them down from all the mud fiercely thrown at them. (21 May 14)   

Darting cattle carouse with darting deer
RANTS to an unnamed farmer who cannot accept the truth -- i.e., that he has a
bull with a dog personality, who, like Houdini, lets himself in and out of the
fenced in pasture, just about nightly, to carouse the neighborhood and visit his
friends down the road at the next farm. The animal,
as seen here in this photo,
naturally, was not taught to look both ways before crossing the road. He is
known to bring vehicles to a squelching halt, as he darts out onto the road just
after the farmer goes to sleep and, again, right after the sun rises on his trip
home. RANTS that a picture or two of the animal out carousing is not proof
enough to the stubborn, foolish farmer that Houdini is well into his second
summer of charging in and out of the electric fence without breaking it or
hurting himself. (21 May 14)   

Tomorrow is Election Day
RANTS that tomorrow is Election Day and so many say they're not voting
because they have lost all faith in government doing the right thing.

Here's where voters need to make a difference. Tired of all the gutter
campaigning on a candidate's part? Then get out and vote for the opposition.

Tired of a candidate you don't respect running unopposed in a primary? Vote
for all the other offices on the ballot and leave that one's place on the ballot
blank. If 4,000 vote in a precinct, for example, and a candidate running
unopposed in a primary gets 200 votes, the message will be sent and,
embarrassingly, and, so undoubtedly, received. That kind of a tally also could
be the type of cue some write in candidate, still now sitting on the fence, might
need to step forward in the fall. (19 May 14)

Editor's Note: Apologies to both tiny villages of Leisenring and W. Leisenring
for the previous error of placing the former Devito Park/Ice Mine building in the
W. Leisenring village. Apologies are sent to those claiming to have lost sleep
over it. The ice rink is in Leisenring. Nobody picked it up and moved it to the
west. The correction was made to the below piece.

NAHL team to relocate to Leisenring ice arena
RAVES that North American Hockey League (NAHL) has announced that
Port Huron Fighting Falcons are reactivating and relocating their
membership to the Connellsville area. The team will be renamed, play as
the Keystone Ice Miners and call the Ice Mine in Leisenring its new home.
(17 May 14)
Mahoney soliciting Republicans for write-in votes
The sitting Democratic state representative of the 51st legislative district,
Tim Mahoney, who is running unopposed in Tuesday's election, mailed
out requests to registered Republicans instructing them on how to vote
for him.

While it is unknown how many of this county's registered Republicans
received the shocking mailing today, one shown here was definitely
authentic. What does this mean?

Is there a serious write in candidate or competition in the fall? Sure
sounds like it, no? Or is Mahoney just being considerate, you know, not
wanting Republicans to feel left out in the fall without a candidate? (16
May 14)
Judge Dismisses Referendum Group's Jail  Petition Case
Westmoreland County Senior Judge William Ober dismissed the case of
the Referendum Group today. RAVES to the Referendum Group, the law
firm of Hovanec, Cofchin & Google, for doing such an impressive job.

Ober said he was scheduled 3 days ago, asked by the state Supreme
Court to hear the case. The Referendum Group, notified yesterday
afternoon of today's court case, likely will not pursue an appeal.

RAVES to Dr. Evelyn Hovanec, always a teacher at heart, for helping the
county solicitor struggling to recall the name of a precedent case, by
telling him its name. She and John Cofchin could probably pass the bar
exam if they tried, without the benefit of law school, at this point in time.

Ober, when dismissing the case, offered these wise words of advice... in
the future to elect officials who want what the people want.  (16 May 14)
RANTS that neither local paper ran a story today or even mentioned that a
visiting judge from Westmoreland County will hear the Referendum
Group's case today at 1:30 in Courtroom #3. (16 May 14)

Editor's Note:  While we wait for the May 8th geo-technical land survey of
the Dunbar Township jail site to be compiled and released, please read
"Revisiting the 2013 preliminary jail land nightmare subsurface report. (16
May 14)

"Quotes Of The Day"
"So was the county commissioners' meeting not held today because there
was no quorum, or because there was no legal public notice of the day
and time of the meeting in the papers?"
Dave, to Pete, this afternoon at the diner

"Vince said this morning that the meeting could be held because they
made a resolution in January to have the meeting today because the third
Tuesday is Election Day... So does that mean Al didn't show up because it
was in the paper yesterday that the financial planner said an option for the
county is to float a bond for $34-39 million dollars, when all we heard
before was the jail total cost would be $28-30 million?"

"Or could it be he was too embarrassed because he didn't know to get
clearance from the FAA about the jail being under the airport runway? We
could go on and on..."

Westmoreland judge to hear Referendum case
With the last of 8 county judges now having recused himself, members of
the Rederendum Group were notified that a visiting Westmoreland  judge
will hear the case tomorrow,
Friday, May 16, at 1:30 PM, in Courtroom 3 of
the Fayette County Courthouse.

Two of three senior judges recuse themselves from Referendum matter
Senior Judges Gerald Solomon and Conrad Capuzzi have also recused
themselves from hearing the Referendum Group's petition matter. This
now leaves Senior Judge Ralph Warman the sole judge in the county not
to recuse himself. Can we see a show of hands of who thinks that final
recusal will come through, say, on Election Eve? (14 May 14)

Was tomorrow's county meeting advertised?
RAVES that so many are interested enough in county government
operations to question whether the change from the third Tuesday to
tomorrow for the county commissioners' meeting was advertised in the
paper. The meeting was moved up from next Tuesday, May 20, to
tomorrow Thursday, May 15, because of Election Day on the 20th. An
email was sent to the chief county clerk to ask when that meeting notice
was published. If it were not published, then, naturally, the meeting cannot
take place, as per the Sunshine Act. Check back later or before traveling
to the meeting tomorrow for confirmation. (14 May 14)

Engineer to send jail plans to FAA for approval
RAVES that the plans for a new jail and memorial shrine to the Dem
commissioners finally, finally, finally will be submitted to the FAA for
approval. This morning's Herald Standard has Commissioner Al
Ambrosini stating that the proposed jail site is not under an airport runway
flight pattern, but the regional BOA engineer and authority board member
disagreeing with him.

RANTS that Ambrosini claims that a "preliminary verbal conversation"
with the airport engineering firm once upon a time took place, but that
written plans have yet to be sent to the FAA for approval.
(14 May 14)
Neither a Rant nor a RAVE, but an expanded commentary,
"Al and Steve's
exchange: Nobody forgot about it but Al." (11 May 14)    

"Quotes Of The Day"
"So now the plan for the new jail has increased in size pretty significantly.
Do they know how many more staff we're adding by including kids'
detention space? Kids' services always cost a bundle more than adult
Dave, today, at the diner

"And if the airport has to shut down a runway because the flight path is
over a jail, or because nobody at the county cleared the plan with the
FAA... how much does the county lose there?"

"Then should the geo-technical pre-construction land study that they did 6
days ago determines that caissons are still needed for construction, as
Ambrosini's first study said,
then what?
An anonymous engineer lunching with the guys
Audacious Al: also a safety guru for AOPA Airport Support Network!

While the county's all-new jail cheerleaders failed to consult with, notify or
seek approval from the FAA or BOA for construction of a 2-story new jail
directly under the path of Runway 14/34, it gets even worse when out of
county pilots write in to exclaim that the county commission chairman in
charge of jail construction, also is in charge of airport safety. Honest to

Commissioner Al Ambrosini, leading the pack to build a new jail close to
airport property, is the designated
Airport Owners and Pilot's Association
(OPA) Airport Support Network safety expert at the local airport. (11 May
RANTS that lists of registered voter rolls are so anonymously and
cowardly misused to clog mailboxes with political attacks. The messages
say much more about the values, character, motives and a lack of a real
platform of the probable senders.
Whatever happened to talking about issues? Debates that provide the
public with background to make informed decisions?

RANTS that so much money, time and energy is spent on writing, printing
and mailing such toxic trash to us. (10 May 14)

Happy Mother's Day to all!
No proof FAA or BOA approved jail plan
2006 Airport Overlay ordinance: adopted

By a unanimous board of county commissioners at a September, 2006
Fayette County Zoning Ordinance, Resolution # 06-9-28-7,
Effective November 1, 2006, was passed and includes the airport overlay
ordinance recently being kicked around lately in conversation.

In aeronautic and pilot lingo, page 77 of the 195-page zoning ordinance
references that all development of any two-story building within a 20,000-
foot distance from an airport applies to terms of the Airport Overlay
ordinance piece and must receive prior approved from the FAA and BOA.

Page 2 of the accompanying table or specific aeronautic guideline list
mentions that even a one-story correctional facility must fall under the
terms of the Airport Overlay piece, no matter the zoning of the land or the

Prior to pursuing the purchase of the Dunbar Township land for a new
jail, the airport manager appeared at a special meeting of the county
commissioners and did not answer when a commissioner asked if the
FAA and BOA were consulted.

To date, no BOA or FAA official has confirmed that approval was sought
or received. Neither has there been any mention made to this effect in any
prison board meeting minutes, news accounts of the jail ad hoc
committee or recent zoning hearings.

Whether the Airport Overlay piece of the county zoning ordinance,
approved by commissioners in September of 2006 and adopted as of
November 1, 2006, is enough to scrap plans to build a new jail and
memorial shrine to the majority commissioners near the airport is unlikely.

After all, the county majority is infamously known to convene a special
meeting with one day's notice and likely could do that to repeal the Airport
Overlay, provided that action does not require approval from the state.
Sources state that such approval is a given and would be required, since,
in the FAA and BOA's eyes, the Airport Overlay, indeed, was adopted 8
years ago.

The existence of Zoning Ordinance 06-9-26-7 is on county record. The fact
that jail supporters, jail developers, zoning officials and zoning regulators
are oblivious to its existence is just one more sad, shamefully
embarrassing example of how poorly thought out the whole jail planning
process has been. The situation also points out how loosely county
boards governing regulations and granting approvals know their own
records, pass the buck, minimize their true roles and fail the public for not
doing their due diligence in serving the public.

On a much lighter note, RANTS that satirical underground writer Neuman
seems to have vanished. That said, RAVES to then zoning board member
Jim Killinger, who appeared at the
September, 2006 county meeting (See
Page 1) to recommend to commissioners the approval of Zoning
Ordinance 06-8-26-7, which included the airport overlay. Talk about irony!

And, of course, RAVES once again to Airport Authority Board Member
Myrna Giannopoulos who knew there was an ordinance in existence.  (10
May 14)

(Editor's Note: In the event the 195-page county zoning ordinance file
disappears from the county's website, the ordinance is safely tucked
away on several alternate sites and available on
download here.)
"Quote Of The Day"
"My guess is Mrs. Wrona will be an interim controller. That Mr. Shipley
who ran for treasurer met with Ambrosini and Lally recently, all chummy in
a bar. You know, people talk. He has been hanging with Geyer, too. Bet
he runs for this office then."
Pete, today, at the diner

"Heck, Pete, you have the credentials. Howz about we inundate the
governor with letters of support, recommending you as our pet watchdog
to be appointed interim?"
Dave, teasing Pete, but, no, not really teasing
Controller Lally resigns from office

Fayette County Controller Sean Lally tendered his letter of resignation
from office today, effective May 30. He, reportedly, has accepted a job in
the private sector. His term in office was to expire at the end of 2015.

As per
County code Section 409,  "to fill the vacancy, it shall be the duty of
the Governor to appoint a suitable person to fill such office..."

Lally, reportedly, suggested that Jeanine Wrona, his deputy controller, be
appointed to fill the remaining 19 months of his term. More to come. (9 May
Was the airport area zoning "overlay" ordinance adopted?

While airport authority board member Myrna Giannopoulos contends that
runway 14/34 does fly over the site of the proposed prison, Dave Bukovan
of the Planning and Zoning Office did contact to offer comment, in follow
up to an earlier conversation with the director of that office, Sara Rosiek.

Bukovan, like Rosiek, does not believe that the 2006 ordinance outlining
zoning guidelines for development around the airport was ever adopted in
Fayette County. He suggests that a former employee of the county be
contacted for confirmation.

Giannopoulos, meanwhile, later today provided a
copy of the zoning
ordinance or draft ordinance -- whichever ends up being the case -- and a
prepared guideline list for implementation. Whether the ordinance was
adopted or not, she contends that the airport runway that she says flies
over the proposed jail site could possibly be shut down by the FAA.

She disagrees with the airport manager,
seen in this video  (starting at 10:
20) from the special meeting of the county commissioners on February 26,
who said planes do not fly over the proposed jail site. He is shown in the
video being asked if he contacted the FAA or BOA to report the new
location selected for approval from those entities. More to share as more
information becomes available.

RAVES to Giannopoulos for sharing her concern over the runway. It's
apparent that she loves  flying and the airport so immensely that even she
hopes that she is wrong to worry that the FAA can order the runway to be
closed. The airport authority board is scheduled to meet on Tuesday,
. BOA staff was unavailable today for comment. More to follow.  (8 May

Editor's Note: the above referenced video ends as it does because the
young man recording the video, coincidentally, left the meeting with his
family members at that particular time.
Ambrosini explains larger jail plan
New county jail to include juvenile facility

At this evening's Planning Commission meeting, Commission Chairman Al
Amvrosini explained that the size of the planned new jail increased from
98,000 square feet last November to 115,346 square feet, in part, to house
county juveniles currently incarcerated in Erie.

Also, the additional 17,346 square feet revised site plan for the lock up will
accommodate five high security needs adult inmates. Ambrosini said the
county is required to see that the prisoners "need to get out for fresh air."

Those five prisoners can get that fresh air in an area surrounded by 20
feet walls with an "open bar area" roof, he said.

"The inmates won't be visible from outside," he added.

Ambrosini originally misspoke and said that there was a "new regulation
now to have a juvenile section." The state has made no such requirement
of counties to date, Commissioner Angela Zimmerlink, who attended this
evening's meeting, clarified.

When asked what purpose the county has in mind for all of the other
acreage it's buying, Ambrosini said there is no plan, other than to get
utilities in place and eventually have the county recoup the $1.25 million
price of the land by selling off the lots.

Citizen Diane Kriss in attendance cautioned the Planning Commission that
the land in question for a jail, indeed, has at least one hole 150-feet in
depth from mine subsidence.

"That's why Mr. Sleighter (project engineer) has insurance," the planning
commission chairman replied to her.

Area resident Patrick Livingston also reported two days ago seeing
similarly deep holes on the property while hunting, prior to the Zoning
Hearing Board voting to approve the special zoning variances.

At the start of this evening's meeting and stating that little preliminary
documentation was provided to the planning commission, the chairman asked
Sleighter "Do you think you're premature" in asking for the preliminary
approval today.

However, as expected, the planning commission approved the preliminary
project request.

Approval is contingent upon receiving a map of the proposed land prior to sub-
division, developing a cul-de-sac for phase 1 of the project, and obtaining
letters of intent from both Dunbar Borough and North Union Township
supervisors in agreement to take over the road when the jail is built.

Considering that North Union Township supervisors strongly oppose the
building of the jail there, it's more likely that Hell will freeze over first or that the
county, in lieu of receiving the letters of intent from the municipalities to
manage the road, will be required to provide a bond to guarantee funds be
available for road maintenance. (8 May 14)

Troubling facts or things that the project engineer did not know:

  • - the width of the lot #4 for the jail (1,200 feet)
  • -the distance from the entrance gate to the railroad tracks (he said 400-
    feet, when it is just under .1 of a mile or 528-feet)
  • -the reason the size of the jail increased, from the proposed 98,000 square
    feet, some 17,346 additional square feet, to total a building 115,346 square
    feet in size
  • -that the Sheepskin Trail is nearby the railroad tracks and is considered to
    be a park
  • -that the property at the Fairgrounds had no sewage
  • -the intentions for the other acreage the county is buying. He said he was
    unaware of plans, yet his presented plan two days ago stated development
    of those other lots will depend on funding becoming available
Zimmerlink recuses self from Cavanagh's inquiry

Commissioner Angela Zimmerlink today responded to Michael J. Cavanagh, in a joint
letter also to the Election Board, Election Bureau and Judge John P. Wagner,
concerning his request for an investigation into the Election Board's recent action.

As readers know, Cavanagh wrote three previously unanswered requests that a
different board be convened to investigate why the Election Board violated Election
Code by not holding a public meeting by March 18, to accept or reject the Referendum
Group's request to have voters to decide whether to build an all new jail or explore
less costly alternatives.

Zimmerlink today wrote that she recuses herself  from the process "because we
cannot investigate our own actions as Election Board members, nor should we decide
whether or not an Election Board Hearing is warranted in this case given the

Cavanagh said in response to getting Zimmerlink's response today that he believes
Zimmerlink "is doing the right thing."

He added that "the lack of response from (Commissioner Al) Ambrosini and
(Commissioner Vince) Zapotosky speaks volumes." (8 May 14)
Airport authority board member: Runway does
fly over proposed jail site

Airport Authority Board Member Myrna
Giannopoulos today voiced concerns that the
proposed jail site is, in what she calls, "a direct path
of a runway."  She said that a prison located under
the flight path of runway 14/34 could cause
"repercussions that could be devastating."

Giannopoulos' statements conflict with information
presented by the airport manager at a special
meeting on February 26, when the manager said the
planes do not fly over the Dunbar Township land
that the county is purchasing for a jail.

"Several years ago when zoning was redone, a
special overlay for the airport and surrounding areas
was completed," Giannopoulos said.

The BOA was so impressed with the overlay plan's
focus to detail that it became a "state model" for any
rezoning that needs done in areas surrounding

"Runway 14/32 could be shut down," she said today
with a jail being built on the proposed site.

Should that happen, she said that the airport would
suffer a great loss. Giannopoulos said that there is a
"straight line" from the runway to the proposed site.

In addition to being an authority board member, she
is a somewhat frequent flyer using the county
airport and said that the county should have been in
touch with the BOA and FAA prior to discussing
plans to build a jail nearby.

Fayette County Planning, Zoning and Community
Development Director Sara Rosiek said that the
overlay plan for zoning around the airport that
Giannopoulos mentioned
was not adopted as far as she knew.

She deferred comment to David Bukovan. A message was left for him. County
commissioners also have been asked for comment. (8 May 14)
Shouldn't the state or Judge Judy intervene?

RANTS because Fayette continues to lead the way of being the butt of jokes about
corruption, confusion and controversy. Given that the county's full-time judges have
recused themselves from hearing the Referendum Group's case, it was given to one
of the three retired judges to handle now. Should they one by one recuse themselves,
a court order will be needed to have an outside judge hear the matter. RANTS because
they all haven't already recused themselves as well and the court order wasn't issued
weeks ago.

Why is it that only people not associated with Fayette court matters see that this
whole cover up goes well beyond the thousands who signed petitions to have
alternate plans for a jail be considered?

RANTS that nobody connected to Fayette law and justice seems to give a rat's ass that
the Fayette County Election Board violated state law, state Election Code, Sunshine
Act and the due process rights of people and that state laws may have been broken by
allowing persons with conflicting interests to sit on a county zoning board?

Isn't it time that the state or even Judge Judy intervenes? (8 May 14)

Editor's Note: This evening the Fayette County Planning Commission is
scheduled to convene at
6 PM to hear the county's plan for the proposed new
jail and memorial shrine to the Dem commissioners.  Edward Andria, Kevin A.
Lowry, Tom McCracken, Bob Baker, Louis Agostini, Alan George, Larry Franks,
Emilio Ciarrocchi and Edward Jefferies comprise the commission, as per the
county website. (8 May 14)

"Quotes Of The Day"
"So what's up with the new jail suddenly having a
second floor plan added to it? How many times did
Ambrosini go on and on about having a more
efficient jail on one story to save money?
Dave, this morning at the diner, referring to yesterday's revelation that the new jail will
not be a one-story building

"Don't know. But what's up with the engineer not knowing that there's the Sheepskin
Trail coming through Mt. Braddock and that there can't be a jail that close to any land
considered parks and recreation? And what's up with the assessor not knowing if the
Fairchance land he used to compare the Mt. Braddock land price to had sewage and
Pete, in response, laughing

"What's up with the fact that Ambrosini himself did not testify yesterday? What's the
matter? Someone not want to say anything under oath?"
Dave's wife
Editor's note: As per Michael J. Cavanagh, he sent a third written notice today to the
Election Board and solicitor, requesting that a different Election Board hold a hearing
to determine why the board failed to hold a hearing by March 18 to accept or reject the
Referendum Group's request to add a question to the spring ballot. (7 May 14)
Why couldn't the ZHB face the public
with its decision?

RAVES to Ed Payson for voting not to grant
a zoning variances to the county, wanting
decrease by about 88 percent the size of a required 150-acre space for a jail to 61

Even though the public left at the 4th hour, thinking that the hearing adjourned after a
motion to table and offer a decision within 45 days was made, RAVES, still, to him for
seeing through the BS and voting no.

RANTS of the shameful kind that the county's team was so ill prepared for the hearing
and that the motion still passed 2-1.

RANTS that the landlord of a state representative chairing the hearing cried foul, when
witnesses with doe eyes in the headlights, were drilled, when it was obvious that they
were lax in their duties and miserably failed the public with a lack of "due diligence."

RAVES, on the other hand, to county architect, Tom Crabtree, for clarifying that a geo-
technical land survey of the proposed site was being done just today. RANTS because
Al Ambrosini informed us all on February 26 that the study was done and forwarded an
old preliminary survey under RTK this way shortly thereafter. RAVES to Crabtree for
pointing out that Ambrosini, once again, misspoke or flat out lied to the public.

"Quotes Of The Day"
"There are very few large parcels with highway and rail access... (This) is
a misuse of  property that should be used for job development."
Mike Feloni, official from South West PA Railroad, today, to the zoning hearing board,
describing his role to develop jobs along railroads
Move over Alcatraz and Rikers:  here comes
Fayette's island jail!

There were never any advertised searches for good
land. But the land that the county picked for $1.25
million, on which it will build a $60 million + jail,  has
pyrites and more than enough contained wetlands
that should cause any sane and wise business
person to
walk away from the deal.

But we're not dealing with sane and wise here, no doubt.

Here are some
preview pictures of the warped plans that the county will unveil later
this morning at a zoning variance hearing. The selected site is, after all, just a hop,
skip and a jump away from the Mt. Braddock Industrial Park that has
flooded more
times than businessman Steve Laskey cares to remember.  (6 May 14)   
Judge recuses himself from Referendum Group petition matter?

Question is, gee, why didn't that happen weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks ago?

Next question... now that 2 judges have bowed out or recused themselves from
hearing the matter, will their recusals lead the county commissioners to ponder
whether, gee, they, too, should do the right thing and recuse themselves, as well?

County commissioners, who comprise the Election Board, violated state Election
Code by not having a public hearing by March 18 to accept or reject the Referendum
Group's request to add a question to the spring ballot, letting voters decide whether to
approve the $60 million + plan to build an all new jail and memorial shrine to the Dem
commissioners or downsize the plan to meet the county's actual needs.

Another question... why hasn't the district attorney sprung into action to investigate  
why the commissioners/Election Board violated the state's Election Code, Sunshine
Act  and the Due Process of citizens?  And why hasn't the DA investigated why the  
Election Board has failed to step aside to convene a different Election Board to
investigate? Film at 11. (5 May 14)
RAVES that so many regular readers and a few on the road continue to drop by to
read. Who else, outside of the daily regulars, is reading today about Fayette politics?
Apparently, someone again at the state house of representatives at IP#
has been checking in, as well as someone at the City of Charlotte Aviation. Rounding
it out, a fine welcome aboard again is graciously extended to the always welcome
occasional readers from the office of the inspector general. (5 May 14)  

Editor's note: As per Michael J. Cavanagh today, he has had no response to either his

or his original letters filed with the county last month, requesting that a
different Election Board be convened to investigate why the Election Board,
consisting of the 3 commissioners, failed to meet on or before March 18 in a public
hearing forum to accept or reject the Referendum Group's request to place a question
on the spring ballot. He, however, said he will send another request.  (5 May 14)
"Quotes Of The Day"
"So Dazed and Confused never advertised for land and are
paying $1.25 million with public money for a tiny track of usable
land, surrounded by so much wetlands! WTF do they think
they're building? Another Alcatraz or Riker's Island out there?"
Dave, this morning at the diner, referring to the county's warped
plan to seal the deal
on the 58-acre parcel in Dunbar Township, for a new
county jail and memorial shrine to themselves (3 May 14)

"If I would not have voted, it would have been a 4-4 tie..."
Tom George, long-time school board member from the Uniontown district, on his lame
reason for voting for the creation of an unadvertised job of truant officer for his wife's
nephew and not declaring the relationship, as quoted in today's Herald Standard.
George, in spite of his years on the board and in spite of hearing previously other
directors declare relationships before abstaining from voting, said he was unaware of
the district's hiring practice and did not acknowledge the relationship prior to the vote
when another director asked about any conflict of interest, given that the man hired is
his wife's nephew, not his own nephew.

RANTS because someone with excellent qualifications and interpersonal skills really
was hired -- and still might have been hired, if all the directors were fully aware of all
of his qualifications prior to the vote. Directors really would have been hard pressed to
find someone better qualified. Instead, now there's just controversy, when there truly  
didn't have to be. (2 May 14)
RAVES to the county prison chaplain for working so hard to reduce recidivism. He told
the Herald Standard today that  he had helped secure employment for
"more than 100
inmates employment after their release... This is not a requirement of the prison, but
instead something that I have worked to do. We're breaking recidivism."

The same paper recently quoted a local attorney in the district attorney's office as
saying addicts need 4 months of treatment, "not one year in jail." One question, then.
Doesn't what these men say strongly support the notion that the county does not need
an all new $60 million + jail? (1 May 14)
County residents being mailed, asked to
attend May 6th zoning hearing
Reputable sources state that a mass mailing will be sent to over
800 households tomorrow in the Mt. Braddock, North Union and
Dunbar Township areas, urging people to attend the zoning
hearing on May 6, at 10:30 AM, to voice their opposition to the
jail being built in Dunbar Township. That said, it might be wise
for the members of the zoning board to clear their schedules for
the rest of the day so nobody can whine that they have to
adjourn to go to another meeting.  
RAVES to the long-time burgh music fans who dig for old video and share it when they
find it. Here's a classic burgh tune that made it to MTV's early days. Yes, there were
others besides The Silencers who made it to the then brand new music television
network. Many times here, Norman Nardini is referenced  as a favorite song writer. He
gave us so many classic lines, and this one was always a favorite.
"If you don't want
me, somebody will." RAVES of laughs today at all our big 80s hair, NN's classic sense
of humor... and RAVES for any time there's good video lying around of the late Tiger
Paul!  (30 Apr 14)
"Quote Of The Day"
"Dr. Hovanec said the Referendum Group's case could be one
that goes before the U.S. Supreme Court. Maybe that's where this
will lead?"
Pete, this evening, hearing that the PA Supreme Court dismissed John Cofchin's
petition today

"Did the weather man just say we're to get a few inches of rain by Friday morning? I
hope Steve Laskey out in Mt. Braddock doesn't get flooded out again."
RAVES to having
something great to christen a new computer and speakers with this
loudly windy April day... something to turn up way louder than the noise outside from
the wind and wind-torn flashing hanging by a thread, banging at the bricks...
something to dance and sing to and lose 5 pounds cleaning the house in half the time.
RAAAAAAVES, too, that Springsteen is coming back to Soldiers&Sailors again this
month to hang out with the locals of Pittsburgh music. RAVES, o, RAVES!  (29 Apr 14)

RANTS that a Uniontown woman, booted from the primary ballot in a state senate race,
following a hearing that she did not attend 19 days ago, is crying sour grapes in a paid
ad in today's paper. She claims that political powers against her rallied unjustly to boot
her from the ballot. The military veteran, however, has nobody to blame but herself  --
i.e., not even the chief of staff for a state representative who circulated petitions for
the booted woman. At the hearing in Pittsburgh earlier this month, the director of the
county's Election Bureau testified that 79 of the woman's petition signatures were of
those not registered to vote, 72 signatures were those of persons not registered at the
address listed, 1 not registered on the date of the signature, and 29 who were not
registered as Democrats.

RANTS that a woman would allow herself to be used so shamefully, to try to bitch slap
another female candidate and misuse her own status as a veteran so irresponsibly.
RANTS because the whole campaign that she tried to run was full of gossip from the
start. So many approached heard the same things -- i.e.,  a suspicious person saying
who was paying him to obtain signatures and that those signing need not be
registered or registered to any particular party. RANTS that the woman booted from
the ballot seems to have so little self respect to take out today's paid ad, when, in
reality, she seemed to have so many well experienced professional politicians in her
corner all along, who should have known better. They should have taught her better.  
(27 Apr 14)
RAVES of chuckles that someone downtown must have had the laughable gall to ask
for a clarification and that the local paper bothered to indulge the gall by running a
clarification/correction today, for stating in an editorial that the public was not
permitted to speak at this week's election board meeting.

While the public, yes, did speak, the public was told at the start by the county
commission chair that anyone speaking was to adhere to the 2 or 3 minute alloted
time for comments, relative only to the one agenda item.

The chair also objected to being asked a question and tried to cry foul or personal
attack, when a few times statements or questions clearly were not personal attacks,
but just statements of facts that may have jarred his level of comfort at exposing the

A few times, also, the citizens speaking informed the chair that he or she was going to
take all the time needed. So, in a sense, yes, the public spoke, but only because some
in the public chose not to play by the chair's silly little rules. (25 Apr 14)   
Editor's note: Today Michael J. Cavanagh filed a second letter with the county and
emailed it to media. He wanted to clarify his purpose.

Will the county commission majority even give a rat's ass? Do they need vocational
job coaches to help them understand the duties of their jobs? Will the solicitor see a
need to respond to Cavanagh? Will the state Supreme Court pick up this cause, too?

So much drama, but that's exactly what happens when state election code is violated.
(25 Apr 14)
Ambrosini misunderstand's Cavanagh's complaint?

No surprise here, but Commissioner Chairman Al Ambrosini
doesn't appear to understand what Michael J. Cavanagh asked
for yesterday -- i.e., at least judging by responses that he gave to
media in the matter.

Cavanagh wrote in the letter published here yesterday that "A
hearing is required to
present testimony and case law as to this board's
purposeful and willful violations of the election code..."  Seems very clear to anyone
else who read it what Cavanagh means.

RANTS that Ambrosini ignores the message and instead told the media that
Cavanagh's letter is a  “political tactic” aimed to help the minority commissioner get
re-elected in 2 years. (25 Apr 14)
RANTS that the county's response to the state Supreme Court today was that the state
court should not hear the King's Bench case and that the county court hear it. But
then, again, the county's only other alternatives would have been to have no answer
or to have used Dave's suggestion below, no?

Meanwhile, a citizen outside of the Referendum Group, Michael J. Cavanagh, who
signed the Referendum Group's petition to have voters decide whether to build an all
new jail,
filed this formal  request today to the county Election Board to have an
emergency Election Board hearing with a new or different election board and an
outside judge. He asks that an emergency meeting be scheduled to hear testimony in
the illegal actions of the Election Board violating state election code in the referendum
matter. Please click on the above link to read that request.  (24 Apr 14)

"Quote Of The Day"
"So if the county chooses to answer by noon today, what will it say? What can it say?
Um, we're arrogant and stupid and don't believe we have to follow state election
Dave, today, at the diner
State Supreme Court gives county till noon on Thursday to reply
to King's Bench filing

The county Election Board received formal notice yesterday that an answer, or an
answer stating that there is no answer, is due tomorrow at noon, to the State Supreme
Court, in regard to 31-WM 2014 PRD (Prison Referendum Group) v Fayette Elections.
The notice was copied to filer, John A. Cofchin, and
Judge John P. Wagner. Cofchin, of
course, filed the King's Bench case, based on the extraordinary issue of the case
being an emergency election issue. (23 Apr 14)
Courier hardcopy has Ambrosini again looking at
airport for womens' jail annex

Although all of the airport authority board members and airport manager last week
said at their regular meeting that they were unaware that the airport was being
considered for a temporary female jail annex, County Commission Chairman Al
Ambrosini is quoted in today's Courier as saying "the commissioners have been
looking at the possibility of converting one of the empty spaces, an old storage
building that can't be used for hangers. That building would be converted, if
economically feasible, into an annex to house female prisoners for about 18 months
until the new prison is built."

Does this mean that Ambrosini, wrongly, still believes that the county owns the
airport? Please, there must be some type of intervention that someone could be doing
with him at this point. (22 Apr 14)

Election Board disregards judge's April 14th order to hold a board hearing,
gives Referendum Group a meeting today

While Judge John Wagner's formal order on April 14th was to cancel a hearing
scheduled before him on April 15th because he read in the Daily Courier that the
Election Board was scheduling an Election Board hearing on April 22, today the
Referendum Group got only a meeting, not a hearing, before the Election Board. Not a
wise move at all, on the majority Democrat's part, given that they did not convene a
hearing by the March 18th deadline to do so.

"Quotes Of The Day"
"We gave you plenty of time... If you choose to deny the people their voice, you
should be prepared for the repercussions... You have no idea what you have done. I
will oppose you... (As long as God allows me) I will be a thorn in your side."
Dr. Evelyn Hovanec, to the majority commissioners, her cousin Al Ambrosini and
Vince Zapotosky, today, at the election hearing that Judge Wagner ruled must happen
but became a meeting instead without testimony.

"It's nothing more than a CYA meeting."
Commissioner Angela Zimmerlink, at today's meeting, to the majority commissioners
of their breach of Sunshine Act, Election Code, the public's Due Process and their
duties as commissioners, for having not convened an Election Board meeting by
March 18. The majority's "failure to convene and adhere to state regulations may just
be the reasons why courts may say (the referendum question) could be put on " the

Editor's Note: While today's Election Board meeting was being held, this paper was
already typed and was sitting on the table. After the meeting ended, the two majority
commissioners signed the
undated statement to reject the Referendum Group's
request to add a prison referendum to the spring ballot. (22 Apr 14)

"Alfred's Biggest Lie To Date"
"This is the date I had available."
Commission Chairman Al Ambrosini, today's Election Board meeting that was
supposed to be a hearing but wasn't, explaining why he violated state election codes
and the Due Process of many, by meeting 35 days too late, waaaaaaaay after March
18th, the 7th day after 3,700 signature petitions were walked on March 11, 2014, to the
Election Bureau by Referendum Group members. No wonder he objected to citizens
asking him questions! He tried to stick
to his actual meeting script, but must have felt
pretty confident that he could wing it with this one answer.

"Vincent's Lamest, Weakest Reason Yet To Date"
"This is a county commissioner issue... no different that the budget or (spending on
the 911 EMS). To open this up now (to public referendum) would be detrimental to
this" county
Commissioner Vincent Zapotosky, same above meeting,  trying his best to minimize
the consequences of his actions, to rationalize not allowing the referendum on the
ballot, comparing the gross long list of Sunshine Act violations, the no bid $60 million+
prison plans, when cheaper alternatives were ignored... to regular, routine county
government actions  

RAVES that about 200,000 people, who might not have previously heard, woke today
to have this to read on the
Trib's editorial page: "Dummy-up diktat: Under Fayette
County's new public comment rules approved by Democrat commissioners Al
Ambrosini and Vince Zapotosky, speakers who register at least four days before a
session get three minutes to speak; those who don't register get two minutes. So, if
you jump through this bureaucratic hoop, you get an extra minute? What nonsense.
Rightfully so, residents are not happy. They need to seriously rethink the Democrats
they consistently elect to run (or stifle?) their county." Thanks, newsboys, for pointing
that out. (22 Apr 14)

Editor's Note: The Election Board has a notice in today's paper, stating that a public
meeting is still scheduled for Tuesday, April 22, at 10 AM, to hear the Referendum
Group's petition case. By the board's state 2012 referendum handbook and protocol,
the hearing was to have been held before March 18. Will it still be held Tuesday since
the group filed a King's Bench petition with the PA Supreme Court? So much drams,
so many breaches of Sunshine and Due Process and so many mistakes on the part of
the county in this case, it's hard to tell. Come on guys, be a man about it and just put it
on the ballot. (20 Apr 14)

RANTS of amazing sadness at hearing heartbreakingly awful news that a few drug
overdoses tragically have claimed very young lives this Easter weekend. Please keep
their families in your prayers and say a few million additional prayers that police can
gather up all the rest of the poison on the streets before more die. The remedy to this
cannot wait for enhanced or new services to follow in a year or two when a new jail is
built. (20 Apr 14)
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The county
commish chair rides
across downtown,
behind the parade of
school kids and all
of the marching
groups with
extremely heavy and
hot band or JROTC

Directly following
Ambrosini's parade
car was a second
county official, the
district attorney.